United Kingdom

General Overview
- Currency: British Pound Sterling (GBP)
- Languages: English.
- Public Holidays: 8 days in Great Britain, 10 days in Northern Ireland
- Capital: London
- Fiscal Year: Various (For individuals: 6 Apr - 5 Apr; Companies can differ)
- Minimum Hourly Wage: £11.44 for workers aged 21 and over (as of April 2024)

Tax Essentials
- Income Tax Range: Income Tax (%) Personal Allowance: Up to £12,570 - 0%, Basic Rate: £12,571 to £50,270 - 20%, Higher Rate: £50,271 to £125,140 - 40%, Additional Rate: Over £125,140 - 45%.
- Other Taxes: VAT, Business Rates, Excise Duties (varies by product/service)

Social Security Contributions
- Employer Charges: Class 1 NICs above secondary threshold: 13.8%.
- Employee Charges: On monthly earnings £797 to £4,189: 12%, Above £4,189: 2%

Employment Contracts & Conditions
- Contract Types: Permanent, Fixed-term, Zero-hour, and others as agreed
- Trial Periods: Not legislated, commonly up to 6 months.
- Paid Holiday: 28 days including public holidays (for full-time workers)
- Salary Payment Frequencies: Typically monthly, may vary
- Termination Notice: Notice Notice period varies by length of service and contract

Legal Benefits for Employees
- Medical Coverage: National Health Service; Private Health Insurance may be provided.
- Common Non-Compulsory Benefits: Pension contributions, private healthcare, bonuses, etc.

Hiring Non citizen or resident
- Visa & Work Permits Obligation: Yes, for non-UK/EEA/Swiss nationals
- High-Skilled Worker Permits: Skilled Worker Visa, Global Talent Visa, etc.
- Visa & Work Permits Timelines: Application approx. 3 months before start date, processing up to 3 weeks.
The information provided on these countries serves as a general guideline and may
require verification and updates from legal sources or official websites.
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