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Comprehensive Employment and Tax Guide Jamaica

General Overview

- Currency: Jamaican Dollar (JMD)
- Languages: English
- Public Holidays: 10 days
- Capital: Kingston
- Fiscal Year: 1 April - 31 March
- Minimum Hourly Wage: 7,000 JMD/day

Tax Essentials

- Income Tax Range: 25%
- Other Taxes: General Consumption Tax 16.5%

Social Security Contributions

- Employer Charges: Employer contributions 2.5%
- Employee Charges: Employee contributions 2.5%

Employment Contracts & Conditions

- Contract Types: Permanent, Temporary
- Trial Periods: Up to 3 months
- Paid Holiday: 10 days per year
- Salary Payment Frequencies: Monthly
- Termination Notice: 1 month

Legal Benefits for Employees

- Medical Coverage: Public healthcare system
- Common Non-Compulsory Benefits: Housing allowance, transport allowance

Hiring Non citizen or resident

- Visa & Work Permits Obligation: Mandatory for non-citizens
- High-Skilled Worker Permits: Yes, specific work visa
- Visa & Work Permits Timelines: Work visa takes 2-3 months depending on specific requirements

The information provided on these countries serves as a general guideline and may
require verification and updates from legal sources or official websites.